This record was submitted by CHOO Shiu Ling on 20 Nov 2021. All user submissions will be reviewed by the Records Committee. Entries listed here may be edited for brevity and clarity while the original record is left unchanged.
This record was submitted to the Records Committee for review.
The Records Committee began deliberating on this record.
The Records Committee completed its review and finalised its verdict.
Species | Long-eared Owl Asio otus |
Record ID | 10042 |
Date | 20 Nov 2021 |
Location | Marina East Drive |
Count | 1 individual |
Date added | 20 Nov 2021 |
Background |
The committee raised no doubts regarding species identification. Discussions on the provenance of the individual were raised, and the majority voted that the individual in question was likely a ship-assisted individual based on the following justifications.
PS. The committee is currently undergoing a category revamp, and the decision on ship-assisted species have not been made yet. While currently listed under "Cat E" (escapee), we recognise that ship-assisted birds and recently escaped birds have different provenances. The categories will be updated once the committee guidelines are updated (Updated on 23/7/2022 - see revisions). |
Vote results | Cat A: 2, Cat E3: 6 |
Verdict |
/ Ship-assisted
Placed in Cat E3 |
Date revised | Changes made |
23 Jul 2022 | The species category was updated from Cat E to Cat E3, to distinguish its ship-assisted status. |
Bird Society of Singapore. (2021). Record 10042: Long-eared Owl Asio otus. Retrieved March 14, 2025, from