This record was submitted by Richard White on 06 Nov 2023. All user submissions will be reviewed by the Records Committee. Entries listed here may be edited for brevity and clarity while the original record is left unchanged.
This record was submitted to the Records Committee for review.
The Records Committee began deliberating on this record.
The Records Committee completed its review and finalised its verdict.
Species | Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealoides |
Record ID | 10649 |
Date range | 06 Nov 2023 to 24 Dec 2023 |
Location | Bukit Timah Nature Reserve |
Count | 1 individual |
Date added | 06 Nov 2023 |
Vote results | For: 5, Abstain (sole observer): 1 Wild: 5 |
Verdict | Accepted / Wild (Verifiable) |
Identification |
A single bird heard calling repeatedly. High pitched, sharp. I searched for the source while recording the sound on my handphone. I couldn't find it so I shared the recording with others to seek opinions which confirmed my suspicions that this was likely a Sakhalin leaf warbler, even without seeing the bird. Jen Wei and Raghav independently confirmed the frequency at the right level (roughly 4,700) for Sakhalin. Pale-legged should be about 5,700. Despite no sighting I'm submitting this due to the fact that this may be the earliest record for the species by over two weeks. |
Habitat/behaviour |
Calling from/behind thick cover. No views. |
Viewing conditions |
After an afternoon deluge. Overcast but light conditions irrelevant given no views. |
Observer's experience |
Four previous encounters with this species in Singapore. |
Observer's experience w/similar species |
Pale-legged warbler seen and heard once in Singapore. |
Bird Society of Singapore. (2023). Record 10649: Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealoides. Retrieved March 29, 2025, from