Northern Boobook
Changi Business Park
03 Nov 2023

General details
Species Northern Boobook Ninox japonica
Record ID 10664
Date 03 Nov 2023
Location Changi Business Park
Count 1 individual
Date added 12 Nov 2023

Record accepted.

Committee's view
Photographs (not shown publicly) were shared with the Records Committee which dispayed neat breast streaks that suggest Northern instead of Brown Boobook.
Vote results This record was not put through an explicit vote, but the SBRC has evaluated and verified the record.
Verdict Accepted / Wild (Verifiable)

The boobook flew into the building’s glass windows and crashed onto the floor of the driveway near where I was standing. I stayed to direct the cars away from the fallen bird.
Bird was stunned and rolling around in pain. It got better after half an hour and managed to fly away. Birds always crash into the buildings here unfortunately.
Viewing conditions
Sunny with no wind. Bird was infront of me on the floor.
Observer's experience
Observer's experience w/similar species


Bird Society of Singapore. (2023). Record 10664: Northern Boobook Ninox japonica. Retrieved March 12, 2025, from

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