This record was submitted by Sin Yong Chee Keita on 29 Dec 2024. All user submissions will be reviewed by the Records Committee. Entries listed here may be edited for brevity and clarity while the original record is left unchanged.
This record was submitted to the Records Committee for review.
The Records Committee began deliberating on this record.
The Records Committee completed its review and finalised its verdict.
Species | Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealoides |
Record ID | 11002 |
Date range | 29 Dec 2024 to 16 Jan 2025 |
Location | West Coast Park |
Count | 1 individual |
Date added | 29 Dec 2024 |
Vote results | This record was not put through an explicit vote, but the SBRC has evaluated and verified the record. |
Verdict | Accepted / Wild (Verifiable) |
Identification |
Heard a familiar call near the bamboo patch of Marsh Garden in West Coast Park. Immediately recognised the call, went over to take some sound recordings, and then used some playbacks to get more sound clips. A total of three sound recordings taken, uploaded (as one long file, with a second of silence delimiting them), with the second and third recording taken right after playback was used (which both capture the aggressive "szit!" call that seems to often be uttered in response to playback). Views were fleeting and poor, but the bird allowed me two proper looks. First one confirming that 1) the sound was coming from an actual bird and not some insect and 2) the bird was, as suspected, a Phylloscopus (small flowerpecker sized bird, but less round and elongated) and the second where I managed to view its head and scapulars/mantle. Yellow bill (but views not good enough to distinguish presence/absence of any smudge or difference between top and lower mandible), obvious supercilium, crown not tilted enough to reveal absence/presence of crown stripe. Colours of scapulars/mantle less greyish than Arctic Warbler, almost like a dark solid brown. One of the duller Sakhalin Leaf Warblers I've had the chance to see. (similar to third photo in this link |
Habitat/behaviour |
Seen at secondary woodland with some planted bamboo. Hopping around very rapidly at about 3 metres. Annoying. |
Viewing conditions |
Far from ideal, but good enough to tell some of it's colours and features, described above. |
Observer's experience |
Many times in both wintering and breeding range |
Observer's experience w/similar species |
Seen and heard Pale-legged Leaf Warbler in non-breeding range. Familiar with all of Singapore and Peninsula Malaysia's Phylloscopus warblers. |
Bird Society of Singapore. (2024). Record 11002: Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealoides. Retrieved March 29, 2025, from