This record was submitted by Chi-Hsuan Shao on 04 Mar 2025. All user submissions will be reviewed by the Records Committee. Entries listed here may be edited for brevity and clarity while the original record is left unchanged.
This record was submitted to the Records Committee for review.
The Records Committee began deliberating on this record.
The Records Committee completed its review and finalised its verdict.
Species | Slaty-legged Crake Rallina eurizonoides |
Record ID | 11073 |
Date range | 02 Mar 2025 to 11 Mar 2025 |
Location | paris ris park |
Count | 1 individual |
Date added | 04 Mar 2025 |
Vote results | This record was not put through an explicit vote, but the SBRC has evaluated and verified the record. |
Verdict | Accepted / Wild (Verifiable) |
Identification |
Chen Jin and I saw a small crake that was initially being chased by a Blue-winged Pitta. I waited for the BWP while Chen Jin focused on the crake. After some waiting, Chen Jin got a clear view of the bird and called Wei-Kai Chao, You-Ci Liao and me to confirm. With thermal camera, Wei-Kai Chao, You-Ci Liao easily found it again. We checked his characteristics by binoculars. It resembled a Red-legged Crake, but its legs were not red, and it was not a juvenile. This allowed us to rule out Red-legged Crake (RLC), Ruddy-breasted Crake (RBC), and Band-bellied Crake (BBC), pointing instead to a Slaty-legged Crake (SLC). Additionally, its zebra-striped belly further ruled out RLC, RBC, and BBC. RBC and BBC have smaller stripes, while RLC has larger ones that extend more toward the wing than those of an SLC. The bird also vocalized, further supporting our identification. |
Habitat/behaviour |
shy, hide in the bushes that near a pond. |
Viewing conditions |
The bird was close (less than 2 meters), but it was hiding in the bushes. I could see it well, but taking a decent photo was impossible. |
Observer's experience |
seen once, and heard several times. |
Observer's experience w/similar species |
BBC: only once. RBC: has seen many times in Taiwan. RLC: just saw my first one in the early morning. |
Bird Society of Singapore. (2025). Record 11073: Slaty-legged Crake Rallina eurizonoides. Retrieved March 29, 2025, from