Siberian House Martin
Neo Tiew Harvest Lane
03 Jan 2021

General details
Species Siberian House Martin Delichon lagopodum
Record ID 959
Date 03 Jan 2021
Location Neo Tiew Harvest Lane
Count 1 individual
Age Immature
Date added 25 Oct 2021

Record accepted.

Committee's view
The bird was initially thought to be an Asian House Martin and only later identified by Frank Rheindt from NUS who was scrolling through photographs on eBird. The long, extensive white rump, which is almost twice as wide as the black tail portion, points to a Siberian House Martin. Moreover, Asian House Martins rarely have tails as deeply forked as the photographed bird.
Vote results Cat A: 5
Verdict Accepted / Wild (Verifiable)
Placed in Cat A

References (see all)
References eBird; Facebook


Bird Society of Singapore. (2021). Record 959: Siberian House Martin Delichon lagopodum. Retrieved March 29, 2025, from

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