Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker
Pulau Ubin
01 Jan 2015

General details
Species Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker Prionochilus thoracicus
Record ID 10055
Date 01 Jan 2015
Location Pulau Ubin
Count 1 individual
Sex Male
Date added 29 Nov 2021

Record accepted.

Committee's view
This record was submitted by a highly experienced birdwatcher and would have constituted the first national record if accepted. The Singapore Bird Records Committee had a split vote due to the lack of descriptions available at the time, and as a majority could not be reached, the record could not be accepted. 

The record was subsequently reassessed in March 2024 with original descriptions provided by the observer, Yong Yik Shih. As expected given the bird's distinctiveness, the description left no doubt as to the identification and the record was accepted unanimously on review.

Vote results For: 6
Wild: 6
Verdict Accepted / Wild (Verifiable)

Committee's view (prior to reopening)
Vote results For: 4, Against: 4
Wild: 4
Verdict Not accepted (Unverifiable)

Revisions to this record
Date revised Changes made
13 Feb 2024 This vote was reopened as 50% of the committee voted to do so. The details of the original vote are given above.


Bird Society of Singapore. (2021). Record 10055: Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker Prionochilus thoracicus. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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