Green Broadbill
Pulau Ubin
06 Apr 2021 to 22 Aug 2021

General details
Species Green Broadbill Calyptomena viridis
Record ID 1012
Date range 06 Apr 2021 to 22 Aug 2021
Location Pulau Ubin
Count 1 individual
Sex Male
Date added 25 Oct 2021

Record accepted.

Committee's view
Initially found near Jalan Noordin in April 2021. Very likely the same individual (judging based on the extent and shape of white belly plumage) seen again on 27 June and subsequently observed sporadically at multiple sites in Pulau Ubin by many observers.
Verdict Accepted / Wild (Verifiable)

References (see all)
References eBird; eBird; eBird; Facebook; Facebook; Other

Revisions to this record
Date revised Changes made
25 Nov 2021 This bird was present as early as 6 Apr, bringing forward the first date by one day.


Bird Society of Singapore. (2021). Record 1012: Green Broadbill Calyptomena viridis. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

Credit for photo(s): Okamoto Keita Sin

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