Rufous-bellied Eagle
Dairy Farm Nature Park
02 Feb 2022 to 17 May 2022

General details
Species Rufous-bellied Eagle Lophotriorchis kienerii
Record ID 10174
Date range 02 Feb 2022 to 17 May 2022
Location Dairy Farm Nature Park
Count 1 individual
Age Juvenile
Subrecords 10180, 10246, 10258
Date added 03 Feb 2022

Record accepted.

Committee's view
Vote results This record was not put through an explicit vote, but the SBRC has evaluated and verified the record.
Verdict Accepted / Wild (Verifiable)

Revisions to this record
Date revised Changes made
20 Jan 2023 First seen date updated.


Bird Society of Singapore. (2022). Record 10174: Rufous-bellied Eagle Lophotriorchis kienerii. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

Credit for photo(s): Charlotte Khoo

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