This record was submitted by Ian Cash on 04 Nov 2022. All user submissions will be reviewed by the Records Committee. Entries listed here may be edited for brevity and clarity while the original record is left unchanged.
This record was submitted to the Records Committee for review.
The Records Committee began deliberating on this record.
The Records Committee completed its review and finalised its verdict.
Species | Daurian Redstart Phoenicurus auroreus |
Record ID | 10364 |
Date range | 02 Nov 2022 to 20 Nov 2022 |
Location | Pasir Panjang |
Count | 1 individual |
Sex | Female |
Subrecords | 10352, 10366 |
Date added | 04 Nov 2022 |
Vote results | For: 8 Wild: 8 |
Verdict | Accepted / Wild (Verifiable) |
Identification |
Bird was roughly the size of a blackbird, perched on the railing along the canal, 2-3 meters distant Bill, eyes, feet were all black head and back were brown. Wings displayed notable white bar Breast and vent, as well as base of tail, were a notable orange-red colour Other birds of similar size and shape in the area include bulbuls (yellow vented and red-whiskered) - but lack of yellow vent on the one hand and crest/red vent on the other ruled out these possibilities. |
Habitat/behaviour |
The bird was observed foraging for food on the floor of the canal, where it picked up seeds and berries. It flew back and forth between the ground and the railing above. A distinctive behaviour was its "tail wagging" - a short, brisk lateral back and forth movement of the tail. This behaviour differentiated the bird from others sighted in the area. |
Viewing conditions |
Full sunlight, clear conditions. Bird was perched in the open, with no hindrance to visibility |
Observer's experience |
N/A |
Observer's experience w/similar species |
Last year I observed a black redstart in the same area. the similarities between that bird and this one in terms of both appearance and behaviour made me confident in my indentification of this individual as a female Daurian Redstart. |
Bird Society of Singapore. (2022). Record 10364: Daurian Redstart Phoenicurus auroreus. Retrieved March 12, 2025, from