Oriental Turtle Dove
Lim Chu Kang Ln3
04 Feb 2023

General details
Species Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis
Record ID 10486
Date 04 Feb 2023
Location Lim Chu Kang Ln3
Count 1 individual
Related records 10468
Date added 07 Feb 2023

Committee's view

A full summary of the RC's decision is presented in this article.

Vote results For: 6
Escapee: 6
Verdict Accepted / Escapee (Verifiable)


Bird Society of Singapore. (2023). Record 10486: Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from https://records.singaporebirds.com/record/10486/.

Credit for photo(s): Lee hua keong

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