Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon
Pulau Ubin
22 Apr 2023

General details
Species Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon Treron fulvicollis
Record ID 10535
Date 22 Apr 2023
Location Pulau Ubin
Count 1 individual
Date added 20 May 2023

Record accepted.

Committee's view
Vote results This record was not put through an explicit vote, but the SBRC has evaluated and verified the record.
Verdict Accepted / Wild (Verifiable)

References (see all)
References eBird

Bird was not seen but this was where I had seen them before on the previous 2 occasions. I had been playing call to try to draw the bird out but they did not show themselves. After about 10 minutes I did hear the call of the cinnamon headed green pigeon. It was not loud so the bird was not near. I heard it call 2 to 3 times but was not able to get a recording and even if I did, it would probably be too soft for my mobile to pick up. I would say I am familiar with the pink necked green pigeon's call and this was definitely not it. The first ID that came to mind when I heard the call was that of the Cinnamon Headed Green Pigeon. this call from xeno-canto is the call that I heard.
Viewing conditions
Bright and sunny
Observer's experience
Have seen and heard 2 times before
Observer's experience w/similar species
Familiar with Pink Necked and Thick Billed.


Bird Society of Singapore. (2023). Record 10535: Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon Treron fulvicollis. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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