Common Kestrel
Changi Airport
05 Jan 2024

General details
Species Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus
Record ID 10723
Date 05 Jan 2024
Location Changi Airport
Count 1 individual
Date added 07 Jan 2024

Record accepted.

Committee's view
Notes from the eBird checklist, as of 7 January 2024: "Observed from the aircraft window between the taxiway adjacent to, and, runway 02C, at approximately 1.3311, 103.9849. Black-spotted chestnut/rufous upperparts; dark outer half of wings, including the upperside of the primaries."

The Common Kestrel and Lesser Kestrel have both been recorded in Singapore and are difficult to distinguish unless excellent photographs are available. However, given the sheer rarity of Lesser Kestrel in the region, let alone Singapore, the Singapore Bird Records Committee adopts the stance that Kestrel sp. recorded in the nation that cannot be conclusively identified based on the images are assumed to be Common Kestrel instead of the Lesser Kestrel. We are open to re-evaluating the status of all such records if there is any evidence to suggest a change in their respective numbers.

Vote results This record was not put through an explicit vote, but the SBRC has evaluated and verified the record.
Verdict Accepted / Wild (Verifiable)

Revisions to this record
Date revised Changes made
08 Mar 2024 Note on Common/Lesser Kestrel added.


Bird Society of Singapore. (2024). Record 10723: Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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