Short-eared Owl
Changi Coast
04 Mar 2006 to 19 Mar 2006

General details
Species Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus
Record ID 521
Date range 04 Mar 2006 to 19 Mar 2006
Location Changi Coast
Count 3 individuals
Date added 25 Oct 2021

Record accepted.

Committee's view
The first date in SINAV 20:1 and Lim (2009) is 11 March, but the bird was first discovered on 4 March and shared in the YahooGroup.
Verdict Accepted / Wild (Verifiable)

References (see all)
References SINAV 20:1
Lim (2009) Record is present in source


Bird Society of Singapore. (2021). Record 521: Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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